General Information |
Program outline |
MtSM seeks to provide a safe, drug and alcohol free living environment along with mentoring, discipling and transitional assistance for those coming out of incarceration and rehabilitation so that they can experience continued freedom from addiction.
Getting out there and finding what seems to be most effective and continuing to learn has helped us develop a program we hope will equip participants experience freedom. The program outline contains the handrails participants are required to adhere to in order to live in the home.
Values and Structure |
Outline of Phases |
We want to empower our residents to discover who God purposed them to be by connecting to a healthy community, dreaming big, overcoming obstacles and equipping them to live life with God. In our home we choose to live a life of honor and respect. We choose to be forgiving. We will show others kindness, grace and mercy. We will live a life of gratitude and generosity and create a family atmosphere.
A road to success has clear directions and checkpoints to make sure one is staying on course and reaching their goals. Each phase is defined. Once a phase is completed, the participant will move on the next one. Time lines are general and each participant will complete each phase at a different rate. The key is to know where you are, where you are headed and to keep in communication with leaders and mentors who can help you along the way.